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Taylor Stitch Boots
“A Surprising Value” Gear Patrol
Day one, out-of-the-box comfort.
Rebuildable Goodyear welt construction, long-lasting Vibram soles.
Just as good scuffed as shined. You pick.

We only use leathers that have earned a Gold Rating from the Leather Working Group.
Each Taylor Stitch Boot is constructed from over twenty individual parts, and every part is produced to their own unique set of critical measurements. Each of those 20 bits is held together with no less than 1000 stitches (yeah, we counted them). It’s a hands-on process to make a shoe like this but it’s the only way to guarantee the boot is rebuildable and constructed for the long haul.
Centers of Excellence
Constructed in the Boot Making Capital of the World—no less than 30 individual artisans take care and precision in bringing our boots to life.
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