Indigo Clothing
Indigo dye gives these garments an incredible sense of depth that becomes more pronounced with each wear.
From indigo shirts and sweaters to jeans and jackets, these styles are designed to wear in, not out—and they sure look nice along the way.

What is indigo dyed fabric?
Folks have been dyeing cloth in indigo for nearly 5,000 years, making it the world’s oldest dye process. In that time it has adorned the shoulders of pharaohs and blue collar workers alike. In fact, the indigo-dyed chambray shirts worn by America’s laborers starting in the 1920s. Today, this perennial pigment can be found in our high quality selvedge denim, outerwear, button downs, and classic tees. It’s a hue that goes with everything, breaks in beautifully, and wears a long history on its sleeve.
Do indigo clothes fade over time?
Yes. In fact, that’s kind of the best part. As a garment is put through its paces over the years, the indigo dye will crack and flake away from the yarns, revealing nuanced fades as unique to you as the lines on your hands. While this is most apparent in selvedge denim, even our indigo shirting will fade with washing, sun exposure, and wear, resulting in subtle changes in tone and depth. So wear our indigo-dyed clothing hard, wear them often, and watch them pickup character along the way.