It’s about protecting our people. The people that work not just in our factories, but all factories around the world. We as manufacturers are responsible for making sure they get paid prevailing wages (better than fair) and have access to things like health care and clean water. We’re responsible for making sure they can take maternity leave, have child care, take vacations. It’s about graduating people to the middle class who may not be there. We’re working to build development funds on top of what we pay for products, which we will deploy based on workers needs in their community. Need bikes to get to work? Great. We’ll work with the likes of World Bicycle Relief to not just give them bikes but teach them how to care for them so they don’t turn into trash. Ever heard of the old teach a man to fish adage? Development is always better than giving!
It’s about protecting our places. No matter where you live, we only have one world to care for and we live in a global economy. We’re committed to using recycled and regenerative fibers wherever possible. This will help lower water usage, get rid of chemicals and pesticides which harm workers and leach into the rivers and help close the loop to create a cradle to cradle supply chain. It’s going to take some time but we hope everyone joins us.